Wednesday, September 22, 2010


What... you may ask does a single girl do with 200 lbs of peaches? After I got home with my loot I asked myself the same question! I let them ripen for a few days in the laundry room and then started to panic that they were going to rot! So... I took a day off of work and jammed for the first time in my whole life! ALL of my jars sealed! I made peach leather, 4 batches of jam (54 jars) and 12 jars of canned peaches. Then I gave a bunch of peaches to my peeps at work, my friend Sunny and the rest to Jamaica's friend Lisa... I'd say I'm set for at least a year with peaches and jam! It was so fun!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous! If there's one thing that I miss about Utah, it's their peaches. They're just not the same out here. You should come visit and bring us some:)
