Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We're Goin To Vegas...

Sunny and I had a bugger of a week, and our good friend Karly had just moved to Vegas from Parump, so we went and stayed with her and had SUCH a great weekend! She had packed a bag for us for the pool and we relaxed by the pool. Then we went and had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. We visited on the patio and enjoyed our dinner and good girl time!
We found a carousal on our way home and stopped for a photo shoot, it was just good, goofy girly fun!
Sunny even kissed a frog...


What... you may ask does a single girl do with 200 lbs of peaches? After I got home with my loot I asked myself the same question! I let them ripen for a few days in the laundry room and then started to panic that they were going to rot! So... I took a day off of work and jammed for the first time in my whole life! ALL of my jars sealed! I made peach leather, 4 batches of jam (54 jars) and 12 jars of canned peaches. Then I gave a bunch of peaches to my peeps at work, my friend Sunny and the rest to Jamaica's friend Lisa... I'd say I'm set for at least a year with peaches and jam! It was so fun!

Millions of Peaches

The church orchard's peaches were getting so ripe that they opened the orchard to the public for free peaches! Each household could take up to 200 lbs of peaches... so Jamaica, Michael, Jen, Taylor and I got up bright and early... enjoyed the sunrise on the way to the orchard...
It was such a peaceful morning and the peaches were perfect and everyone was so polite and it was just a lil slice of heaven seeing the fruits of the labors of everyone who helped with the whole crop


My friend Sunny invited to her annual Bridger trip! It was so nice to get up in the mountains! We had marshmallows, rode 4-wheelers, cooked dutch oven, and just relaxed in the crisp mountain air! It was so much fun!!
It rained every day we were in the mountains! We saw some awesome rainbows!!